B.I.O. is more than an acronym that represents Beauty Inside Out. It’s a forward movement toward honoring and loving oneself enough to recognize, value, and grow others. The B.I.O. Queens organization is a compass and mirror that uplifts, shifts, and charges women of color of all ages to embrace the underlying beauty of inner self. Created by women for women, B.I.O. Queens prides itself upon enlightening women on and unifying sisterhoods in acceptance, encouragement, respect, inclusion, and advancement. Our proclamation is that beauty encompasses the entire you. B.I.O. Queens embodies a “You Are More” culture that not only affirms, focuses, and fosters women’s distinct gifts but also is a direct reflection of the organization’s three-pronged mission: To cloak each woman with the security of self; connect her consciousness to her regal contribution; and cultivate a collective of sisterhood crowns. Manifestation of our B.I.O. Queens vision- Each one, Reach one, Queen one!
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